Fishing is a dangerous sport for our pets. Fish hooks & lures can be potential death traps. Those sharp, often multiple, barbs latch anywhere. Even non-live bait contains attractive smells or shiny colours to catch the attention of our furry friends. The location a hook embeds in will influence how it is removed. We don’t recommend attempting to remove the hook by yourself as more damage can be caused, & it’s incredibly painful!

If a hook is swallowed it can cause intestinal obstructions or perforations, & this will be worsened if the line is still attached. If you see fishing line hanging from your dog’s mouth, never pull on it! Excessive damage, which can be fatal, will be caused to the lining of any part of the gastrointestinal tract.

Immediate Care:

Visible fishing line from a swallowed hook should be tied up to your pet’s collar preventing it from being swallowed too.  It also can’t be pulled or stood on when tied up. If the hook is embedded in a paw, cover it up gently to prevent further damage, as well as licking, chewing & swallowing.

Never push or pull the barb out yourself. Sedation is always required as a minimum. If you pull on the hook, more damage will be caused due to the barbs. It’s highly probable a swallowed hook will need surgery for removal, particularly if there is line still attached.

Post Care:

Once removed, your vet will likely recommend a short course of antibiotics & anti-inflammatories to prevent future pain & infection. Tetanus vaccines are not usually required. We recommend to check the site daily for redness, swelling or any discharge.


Keep any unused lures & hooks covered at all times. If possible, only bait one hook at a time. Dispose of old hooks & bait properly. Always keep an eye on your pet around your fishing site.

All-in-all have a great time at the river, dam or beach with your furry friend as you catch some rays & fish. Just make sure they don’t get hooked!